Enhancement Of Analysis And Decision Making For Digital Signage Company

Technology Used

SQL Server Integration Services, SQL Server Reporting Services, SQL Server Analysis Services, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Office Share Point Server, Office Performance Point Server

Customer Profile

The customer makes digital signage possible by providing digital displays, hardware, software, and network management services for its web of interactive internet kiosks. Digital players run advertising content of 5 seconds to 60 seconds duration for almost 24 hours a day and it’s placed in commercial and public places

Customer Situation

  • Need for an integrated view of information to enhance analysis and decision making
  • Absence of integrated quality data to undertake
    • Efficiency and proof of play analysis
    • Cost analysis across networks, players and media
  • Track & address efficiency and compliance issues
  • Collaborate with customers, contractors and agents to improve value chain visibility
  • Improve customer relationship as demand for an efficient reporting system grew

Congruent's Solution

Created an effective and extremely high-speed proof of play reporting system

  • Design and development of multidimensional data warehouse
  • Design and development of SSIS packages using SQL Server integration services
  • Designed various level of aggregation to report summary play information
  • Designed reports using SQL Server reporting services and developed interface with existing web based customer reporting portal
  • Designed SQL Server Analysis services cubes for multidimensional view
  • Design and development of performance scorecards and dashboards of proof of play system


  • 900% improvement in the response time of the reports
  • Offshore leverage as high as 90% Fixed price work as high as 90%
  • Multidimensional view of Proof of Play
  • Smooth controlled flow of data from the networks into the decision support system
  • Audit for compliance to guarantee correctness of customer play content

Congruent's Key Challenges

  • Transition from 900 databases for its entire client network that uses its digital players, into one single repository
  • The response time of the customer reports
  • Data quality issues
  • Extraction window
  • Providing the phased solution on tight time-scales
  • Worst case scenario of 34 million records a day
  • The data warehouse, was a massive record of what content played on what players and when

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