
Be Assured you are Insured.

You are insured for Medical/Accident and Life for a stipulated amount.

Take care

Congruent doesn’t just wish you just good health, but makes sure you are taken care with annual master health check-up.

We see the unseen

Loan facilities are provided to help you meet your unexpected expenses.

Don’t fret we transport

Late hour shifts after 9PM? Transport facility are available for later night/ night shifts.

Let’s go Dutch?

Subsidized lunch at premises.

Congruent Communicates

Regular communication classes across the company to help in professional/personal growth.

Train and Gain

A fixed technical enrichment amount is provided for your training purposes.

Wish you wellness

Yoga, posture courses and encouragement to participate in the Chennai Marathon, Cricket are some of ways Congruent wishes for your wellness

Celebrate Life

Celebrations are taken seriously, Pongal, Diwali, Christmas and other occasions are celebrated with great gusto at office.

The Annuals

Congruent Annual day is an event which everyone looks forward to, and the venue gets bigger and better every year.

This and more awaits you at Congruent! Welcome.